The stats:
- Appearance - 8 \ Cool green wrapper that intrigued me despite the rough-skinned look. Plus it has an interesting label, including the Italian phrase "Dolce far Niente" which translates as "Sweet doing nothing", or chillin' out. Also the mysterious note "The Game" on the lesser side of the band. As I told Ry, I hoped this wasn't like the movie with Michael Douglas where the guy's gift has him suddenly becoming enmeshed in a game apparently designed to kill him. I'm hoping it was just homage to the poker cards on the label.
- Burn - 3 \ After the first fourth of the cigar, I ashed and discovered a weird tunneling burn issue. I worked at fixing it with touch-ups and controlled smoking. For the most part this worked out, but once in awhile it would pop up again.
- Draw - 6 \ Fine.
- Plumage - 5 \ Nothing special but doable.
- Flavor - 6.5 \ Very interesting. Minor biting herbal taste. Cool novelty. Not too sweet, which I'd worried about from the initial sugary flavor of the wrapper when I first mouthed it.
- Overall - 6.5 \ I enjoyed this as a novelty but especially with that weird burn issue, I probably wouldn't seek this out to keep a lot on hand. Fun smoke, though.
Above and below, check out the details of the label.
Here's the cigar and my scotch rocks in play.
Now, witness the burn issue from different angles.

I enjoyed this review but the pictures of the burn caused me pain...that ruins a stogie!
Was it really windy out?
No, the wind wasn't that bad. Not sure what the deal was. You never know if that's common for a given cigar series until/unless you invest in a few batches. Which of course you don't necessarily want to do if that's your first experience!
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