It was a beautiful night last wind, perfect I grabbed a stogie I bought in KC at the Tatuaje event a few months ago when I was on my lancero kick.
I used my trusty Cuban Crafter cutter and my Blazer lighter/welding torch. I backed it up with some midrange scotch that wasn't too great.

This stogie was pretty damn fine. It had a great "tart" Pepinesque teste but not as much pepper as his often have. At several times I tasted (I am not shitting you) cinnamon rolls or something very similar. That's a first for me but I swear that's what it tasted like.
It's a potent cigar-it's strength started to hit me about 1/4 of the way in.
The plumage was solid and the taste really great. It needed a few touch ups but I left it alone for too long, I think, when I was called in for emergency tech support for the wife's internet class. I rate it a solid 3 on a 4 point scale-it's a great smoke and I really liked it but it's not one of the best.
Lancero Kick
Well...I went on a major lancero kick a month ago or so and I bought a box of El Triunfador (really good lanceros!). I also tried to sample as many lanceros as possible. I read all the articles about how good they were and how the flavor is better and I gave it a real try...
...and it is true. The flavors are much more distinguishable and interesting...however the downside is social stigma (when your amigos laugh at you while you smoke it hurts, friends, it just hurts!)...increased cost (in most cases) and the missing "boom". The thinness of the lanceros loses that depth and richness that the thicker ring gauges have (even though the thicker ones seem to muddle the flavors more).
I think I'll keep picking up the lanceros now and then but I don't think I can live on them alone.
Dude, don't let your cigar mockers get you down. If you like the upside of the lancero, then roll with it. But for me, the upsides I experienced (fewer burn problems mainly) weren't worth the weird heft and feel of smoking that form and shape. The other day I had a Tatuaje red (torpedo, I believe) from that same the KC Outlaw event and dug it!
You are a jackal. I anjoyed a SWEET Alec Bradley Tempus lancero so you don't have to worry about me abandoning my lanceros!
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