...with guest reviewer the Almighty Scotty!
This week I was lucky enough to have my buddy Scott visit for an evening...of course, I made him consume large quantities of cigars and scotch...and we enjoyed kicking back and talking...managed to find some time to grill some steaks and share a beer or two also...great times.

Coronado, by La Flor
Here's the label from my Coronado (by La Flor {Dominicana}), a toro sized beast that I enjoyed over the weekend after my daughter's birthday party! This cigar has jumped into my top five list...there's nothing else I've run into with these kinds of flavors...paprika, cocoa, cinnamon, tobacco,...and some stuff I can't even identify. It's a power house though so make sure you have a full stomach. I did and it still left me sweating and a little wobbly...
I've had maybe ten of these since my last review and they've all been flawless. At around $8 apiece, they're not cheap but I'll gladly part with that kind of money for this kind of experience.
RTR rating: Solid 4: among the best I have ever had.
Oliva V Lancero (7" x 38 thin boy)

Here's Scott enjoying an Oliva V lancero that I gave him. He was a man of very few words but I did manage to get a little out of him:
***mmmmm...spicey. I like the flavor.
***tastes kinda like raisins. Yeah, raisins. That's cool.
***this thing is too light.
***this thing tastes good but does it come in something a little...bigger?
Variants of this repeated for the forty-five minutes or so that he enjoyed this stogie.
I am guessing that he reviewed it at a 2 (fully decent cigar) and that if he'd have had a thicker one he'd have given it a 3 or higher. I, of course, rate this cigar a solid 3 in this format, if not a 4.

And there's Scott right before he said "You're not going to put these pictures of me smoking this girly thing on the internet are, you?"

And here's a bonus picture...of Thane doing some amateur archeology out West with Michelle, Dana, and her boy Jackson. They paid some guy who does this sort of thing and they found some fossiles of several different types of fish which Thane was allowed to bring home with him. They had a great time!
Holy Shizzle, the almight scott actually allows himself to be captured with cigar wisdom! And not on Scottshame.com for a change. Nice! The info on the Coronado is good -- I need to get me some of those -- I think I also had one once and really enjoyed it.
And, man, Thane looks tan! Man must be going full-throttle Indiana Jones on these archaeology expeditions! Thanks for the solid post.
Well...my beautiful wife corrected me...Thane was not doing archeology (digging up artifacts from human civilizations) but actually was doing paleontology (digging up dinosaur bones!), I guess.
Yeah, I captured the rare and elusive Scott-at great personal risk to myself!
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