Wow. This cigar has skyrocketed towards the top of my favorite stogies. Though, sadly, I cannot afford them, I have found that they really hit the spot when I have something to celebrate or when I just really want to reward myself...

Here is what Ashton has to say:
For those who desire a powerful and intoxicating flavor with a complex rich finish, look no further than the Ashton VSG. The VSG is blended exclusively for Ashton by Carlos Fuente Jr. using 4 to 5 year old aged Dominican tobacco taken from the finest and most fertile plants. The distinct flavor of VSG comes from its wrapper grown on a private estate in

I paid $20 for this stogie, and it was the biggest VSG that was available. I will admit, that price is high; in fact, I spent ten minutes debating the purchase in the humidor, thinking "well, going to a movie tonight and having candy and soda would cost me $16 easily so..." and other similar thoughts to justify the purchase. Finally, I thought about how rare it is for me to get to smoke inside a real smoking room indoors and I bit the bullet and lit that sucka up.
First off, it's a big stogie-larger than I normally enjoy. A light grey film was sprinkled on the dark wrapper of this stogie-not sure if it was dust, "plume", mold or what. A bunch of the VSGs in the boxes on display had them so I wasn't worried-though it was a bit odd.
The initial flavor is tangy and peppery and the smoke has a luxuriously rich aroma. I cannot describe it but it is very pleasurable. The smoke burned straight and true with great ash and great plummage.
This cigar is a solid 4-a real super premium. If these were 1/2 the price, I'd buy a box with little hesitation. As it is, I'll be lucky to experience one a year-and so far, they are my first choice for a celebratory smoke.

Sounds like at least they are an exciting novelty despite the hefty price tag... Now if only people wouldn't close the store down on you after assuring you that it will remain open long enough for you to enjoy your smoke!
Yeah, no doubt. I didn't mention that in the review, primarily because they have treated me right in the past and I'm chalking it up to someone higher up wanting to close down for New Year's Day. Still...that was a bit of a downer and if I'd been in worse spirits, I would have had a little talk with them about closing down early and kicking me out into the freezing cold with 1/2 of a $20 stick left to smoke!
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