Monday, April 5, 2010

El Rey del Mundo Rectangulars (5.6" x 45)

El Rey del Mundo Rectangulars (5.6" x 45)

Here is the stogie, along with my Red Stripe, Swiss Army cutter, Blazer lighter. Not pictured are my laptop, the dvd "Torchwood: Children of Earth", and my sweet wife!

I thought I'd revisit this cigar, one of the first I reviewed on this blog. With two years of smoking these (some new, some with two years of aging), I have come to two conclusions: 1) Cigar smokers' tastes change a lot over time and 2) This is still a really good cigar. 

Though I used to think that this cigar was one of my favorite, I have since moved on to stronger stogies-the El Rey just doesn't have enough flavor or body to hold my attention. Even so, I have found that it is a really great cigar-I enjoy it most in the morning or anytime I want a cigar but I don't want to have to "worry" about it or pay too much attention to it. 

The construction is top notch, the price is affordable, and the flavor is a pleasant tobacco and nutty concoction. I have smoked at least twenty of these and I don't know if I have EVER had to do a relight or experienced any kind of cracks or problems of that sort. On my 4 point scale, I give it a "2", though-because the flavor just isn't varied , interesting or strong enough to keep my attention...but when my attention is diverted (such as when I'm watching a Dr. Who spinoff!), it hits the spot!

This bonus pic is of my elite posse of martial arts enforcers after H.T. filled their bellies with Oklahoma BBQ and set them loose with a camera! Note the way that the middle one's Ki power has been focused as light bursts from her forehead!


Eric J. Reid, Open Road Communications said...

Nice ki power! Also, it IS interesting how tastes change, or even fluctuate. I find that in periods where I smoke less, and come back to smoking, I tend to "go back" to enjoying somewhat milder smokes more.

Big Sexy said...

Yes, I have noticed that too. I still enjoy some of my "old favorites", but not in the same way. I remember really enjoying those Nestors, the Legends White and Red labels, most Punch cigars, etc...but now they just don't get my attention.

It makes me wonder what we'll want to be smoking in two years!