I enjoyed the Murcielago at my brother's place in KC. It capped off a fun trip to the Ren Fair at Bonner Springs. Sadly, we had not yet recovered our camera from Lost and Found there so these photos are from my cell!
Here is what one vendor has to say about "The Bat":
While hiking in the mountains of Veracruz, Mexico, Eddie Ortega and Erik Espinosa, co-owners of United Tobacco, Inc., came across a cave of bats. The exciting experience resonated with them and years later the Murcielago, Spanish for "Bat," was created.
These medium to full bodied cigars have a Nicaraguan filler, Mexican binder and a Mexican Maduro wrapper. The Mercielago has a nice sweet taste, notes of spice and superb balance.
Here's my scotch and my Bat...ready to hit E & K's patio for a smoke!
I'm starting to associate this smoke with KC-I enjoyed one with my brother at the (new) Outlaw there a month or two ago...and I remember the cigar guy there telling us a story of how the wrapper is Mexican and was supposed to be for Padron and DPG somehow got access to it. Regardless of how this wrapper came about, it certainly gives the smoke a much different flavor and character than other Don Pepin Garcia and 601 smokes.
When I first pulled this cigar from the cellophane, the smell of spicy dark cherries filled my nostrils. Perhaps it was partially due to the fact that I hadn't had a smoke in a few days but I really enjoyed the prelight aroma on this cigar and immediately knew I'd be in for a treat.
The cigar's flavor (and the gold/black/red "bat" label) are the most distinguishing characteristics. The flavor is very difficult for me to describe and was very complex-I did detect some black cherry type tartness and some chocolate type flavors. The plummage was thick and potent, drawing comment from my sweet wife ("Get it out of my face!"). The burn was perfect, as was the construction. I would rate it as medium to full in body and full in flavor.
I rate this stogie a 4 on my 4 point scale-will be trying to get some more soon. I do think it might be a little complex for many and would not have enjoyed it a few years ago. I got it in a sampler but figure a robusto like this probably costs $7-$8 in a store.

Wife and I enjoying the KC evening!
Here's a foo creature we saw at the KC art museum. Pretty awesome!

Here's the sunset as we were returning home.
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