"Snap into a slim jim!"
I've had WAY too many great cigars this holiday...so far, it's been one superb smoke after another. This one is the latest and I figured I'd drop a review down.
There she is, below-in all her glory. Granted, I tend to like my stogies thick...but I've been reading that the "cigar pros" think that the lancero format is the best one to truly appreciate a stogie...something about the "fact" that there is a higher wrapper to filler ratio so the nuances of the wrapper really come to the fore.
And here is a close up of the band.

This is a really great stogie, amigos. Get one. You will not regret it. I think I paid $6 for it at a shop.
The stogie had a rich brown coloration, not quite maduro, but very smooth and attractive. I don't normally get all gushy about the appearance but this stogie was elegant and smooth. It started out with a bit of tartness and black pepper and then gradually added some mocha and buttery creaminess. It changed several times and at the end it got fairly potent-but still in the "Medium" range on flavor and on strength. I paired this dude with a medium McDonald's coffee and both of them were gone in about an hour and fifteen minutes.
I had tried one other Oliva V Natural (in KC with Rico and Ry) and it was also outstanding but this one was...better. The flavors were "sharper"-possibly due to the thin form factor.
Was I embarrassed to smoke this girly thing? Sure.
Will I smoke another? As soon as I make room in my humidors, I'm buying a box of these dudes!
The plummage was great, the construction flawless, and the flavor was outstanding. I'd rate this as a 9.6 or maybe higher when you figure that this bad boy is (relatively) affordable.

Here I am enjoying this lancero...finishing it off in fact!
Ry and I don't always see eye to eye but this is one thing that brings the Family together! He likes'em too. Oliva is making some great smokes...I've enjoyed the V, the G (maduro), the O (maduro), and the Master Blends III, and all (especially the V and MMIII) are outstanding!
Here is a photo of the Fam (minus Ry and I), at the Garden City zoo. Anne-Marie wanted to see the new baby giraffe there and we headed West on Sunday afternoon.