First up, sorry for the poor pictures. It was colder than hell and I was smoking in the Honda...didn't have enough light for my "macro shots"!
Wow. This stick was very, very nice. The reddish-brown wrapper was leathery and had an oily sheen to it. Very few imperfections. It was a good size for me-6 x 50. The prelight had a very odd smell...I SWEAR it had some "food spice" odor to it like paprika or whatever the dominant spice is that is in worcestershire sauce. Whatever it was, it was very tasty and unique.
I lit it up and realized I had a major smoke on my hand. Flavors poured out of this smoke-I detected cinnamon, mocha, pepper, and other stuff that I couldn't identify. All of them were good. It was very complex and kept my attention on it.
About a third into it the cornucopia of flavors kind of died off and left me with a simpler cigar but it was still tasty. It left an aftertaste after each draw that lingered that reminded me of dry red wine.
The stogie was potent too. I hadn't eaten Lunch so I went and grabbed a small soda to get something sweet in my system...was afraid it would kick my butt if I didn't get something in my belly!

The band on this thing is...kind of gawdawfull. I think has some kind of stylized tiger or something on it. Seems cheesy for a cigar this fine.

Here's a close up of this cigar.

And here's me smoking it!
This was one of the best cigars I've had in a long time. Recently I've been smoking mostly Don Pepin Garcia smokes but when I've stepped away for something different, I keep reaching for Oliva or La Flor Dominicana cigars. So far I've had three of the L.F.D. cigars and two of them (this and the double ligero maduro chisel) were top notch.
Even with only one of these under my belt, I would easily put this cigar as one of my top 25 faves.
The LFD Coronado is a full smoke, full of flavor, with perfect construction. The aroma is potent and the smoke ample. These things retail for about $6 I think. I'm going to try one more the next time I hit a cigar store...if it's as good as this is, I'll save up for a box.
RTR Rough Rating: 9.5
Dude! Nice. Sounds like you need to get me a Fit so that I'll have a mobile smokeshack! Sounds like you can't get enough of the Litto Gomez, dude. Aren't you glad I won you that stick from Outlaw? Have you smoked that yet, or the $20 one I got you?
I had one you gave me from that contest you won...a LFD double ligero maduro "chisel". It was a great cigar too! I smoked it on the way home from KC a few weeks ago...smoooooooth driving!
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