I wasn't disappointed.
The Doble Maduro comes wrapped in a cedar sheath that I figured was purely cosmetic; hardly. The scent had penetrated the cigar and the flavor was greatly enhanced by it. This smoke was earthy and rich and stunningly smooth and even.
My Dad also gave me this jacket. It's a hand-me-down and perfect for smoking in tricky weather. I didn't really need it that day but who can resist donning the Marlboro Man image?
It was a perfect medium-bodied smoke. Flavorful (did I mention the cedar? Wow) but not overpowering and it came with a bit of a buzz. Lots of leather and wood.
The burn was even, the plumage good but not amazing, and it was well-built. I only used my lighter three times so it stayed lit (I've had trouble with that in the past).
There are few cigars that I've smoked to the nub; this is one of them. The other was a Perdomo Reserve Cameroon.
This one is better than the Nepalese Warrior I reviewed on this blog earlier. Considerably better. 9.0? 9.5 perhaps.
Dude! That coat is growing on me.
Thanks for reviewing...will have to put one of those on "my list".
I really like the scissors-any chance you can review that piece of equipment after a couple of uses and let us know if it is something we should consider?
Wish I was in KC with you-I'm outside smoking a 601 Maduro (Blue) and it's really great...but I could use some company!
Sounds like you raked it in this Christmas. Congrats on the awesome stogie. Today was beautiful and I... just... couldn't... get my smoke on. Maybe when I get back home later tonight. And I concur with Big Sexy -- we need a review of the scissors, too.
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