Sunday, March 22, 2009

Nub Habano 358 (by Oliva)

Nub Habano 358 (by Oliva)

Here it is...a short review of a short first Nub!

First off a preface: I hadn't gotten on the "Nub" kick-all the promotion that this line got kinda kicked my Spideysense into high gear...but when my son Ryan smoked a Cameroon Nub a month or two ago and really enjoyed it, I got curious. Then when a coworker gifted me this one, I started to get pretty excited. I figured I'd let it sit in the humidor for a few weeks and wait for the right time to spark it up.

When the weather turned warm and I had nothing to do over my Lunch hour, I grabbed it up.

The stogie has a nice band and I like the appearance. It's stubby and short (which is a little odd, especially since I've been hitting the lanceros lately) but the wrapper is oily and inviting. The prelight smell is "barnyard"-reminds me of the old horse barns I used to explore as a kid in Oklahoma.

The stick burned well and kicked out some serious flavor. I got some mocha and a lot of "spice", though I'm not sure exactly what the spice was in this case. The draw was great and the plummage was good too...I realized very quickly that I was in trouble because 1) this was a really enjoyable smoke and 2) It was NOT going to be through by the time I had to go back to work!

I got about half way through this spark plug before I had to bail. The flavor and burn were still right on track-really wish I could have stayed for the whole thing. I'll probably grab another or two to see how they go when I have more time.

1 comment:

Eric J. Reid, Open Road Communications said...

Glad to hear you liked it. I only tried about 2 of them, but never had a good experience myself.